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[0:00] and we're so glad to be here today together today as we reflect on the powerful life-changing message that we see in the book of acts in chapter number two we're going to be in verses one through verse 13 this morning and it's a message that reminds us of the vital importance of awakening our affections for God and for his mission on planet earth today and to allow the Holy Spirit to empower us and to surrender to God's Holy Spirit and to surrender to God's worldwide mission of reaching the lost with the gospel as Vance Havner the American revivalist of the first part of the 20th century once said he says we're not going to move this world by criticism of it nor conformity to it but by the combustion within it of lives ignited by the Spirit of God and in the midst of this modern world it's easy to lose sight of the spiritual matters that truly matter Jonathan Edwards observed this and I am so sorry this morning everything is totally messed up today [1:32] I used to print everything out and I didn't today Satan must not want this message preached today isn't that right surely not today Jonathan Edwards once observed during the great awakening he said how heavy and hard our hearts we can sit here at the infinite height and length and breath and love of God and Christ Jesus of giving his infinitely dear son and yet sit there cold and unmoved so our challenge this morning is to rekindle our passion for doing the work of God today and to prioritize a missional focus above all else there's a lot of things that as a church we can be involved in there are a lot of things that churches today are involved in that does not move the needle forward in terms of kingdom impact there are a lot of programs that keep people happy there are a lot of programs that people enjoy that accomplish absolutely nothing for heaven and there are a lot of things that we may be involved in and that doesn't mean that going on vacation doesn't mean that just having fun with your family doesn't mean that any of the things are bad things matter of fact we're going to be eating together in a little while the early church did that nothing wrong with that but all of these things are for the purpose of preparing us to move out and accomplish the mission of God and that is reaching the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ and so in Acts chapter 2 verses 1 through 13 we see the Holy Spirit descending upon the early church upon this group of believers that Jesus said just wait in Jerusalem [3:42] I've got to go back to the Father but don't worry I'm going to send you the Holy Spirit and He is going to empower you to be my witnesses right here in Jerusalem and Samaria all Judea and then ultimately to the ends of the earth and He empowered the early believers to be heard by everyone there all of the Jews that had come from all of the the other countries to come to the day of Pentecost and because now they were all Jews but they were all from different countries and so they all spoke different languages and so when the Holy Spirit descends upon the early believers signifying that God had truly in fact sent His Holy Spirit to indwell believers those who trust Christ as their Savior an interesting thing happened they began praising God they began talking about what God had done and then everyone around began hearing the praises of God in their own language enabling them enabling these early believers to communicate the gospel to everyone around them and now through the power of the Holy Spirit the early church stood in awe and the world was amazed by it let's take a look this morning at Acts chapter 2 verses 1 through 13 verse 1 when the day of Pentecost had fully come and they were all with one accord in one place and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as a rushing mighty wind and it filled the whole house where they were sitting then there appeared to them divided tongues as a fire and one sat upon each of them and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance and there were dwelling in Jerusalem [5:48] Jews devout men from every nation under heaven and when this sound occurred they heard the sound like a rushing mighty wind and it drew their attention and so the whole crowd begins to gather around and they were confused because everyone heard them speak in his own language then they were all amazed and they marveled saying to one another look are not all these who speak Galileans and how is it that we hear each in our own language in which we were born Parthians and Medes Elamites those dwelling in Mesopotamia Judea Cappadocia Pontus Asia Phrygia Pamphylia Egypt the parts of Libya joining Cyrene visitors from Rome both Jews and proselytes those who had come who were who had come and had in effect joined the joined Judaism verse 11 [6:53] Cretans and Arabs and we hear them speaking in our own tongues what were they hearing the wonderful works of God so when the Holy Spirit came upon the believers they began talking about the amazing things God has done and most likely it part of that was Jesus dying on the cross in our place so they were all amazed and perplexed saying to one another what in the world is going on whatever could this mean why is this happening now we'll get into Peter's message in a couple of weeks but this morning we need to understand first that it's time for us to reawaken our affections and commit ourselves fully to God's worldwide mission and that's the mission of reaching the world for Jesus Christ with the gospel and as we look in Acts chapter 2 we see the priorities of the early church clearly laid out and the first priority that I see in the early church in Acts chapter 2 is that they spoke boldly about the gospel they were willing to to step out of their comfort zone they were first of all excited about Jesus excited about the gospel and we speak about that which we are excited so their first priority was speaking boldly about the gospel their second priority was caring sacrificially for one another we see that when they sold their goods and they pull their resources together and everyone that had a need everyone that lost their job because of their faith they were able to pull from from that repository and they were able to get food and they were able to get clothing and they were able to get money when they needed it to pay their bills and then number three the third priority was worshipping wholeheartedly in spirit and in truth they came together and they worshipped [8:58] God together on a regular basis and then the fourth thing is multiplying exponentially as the Lord was adding to their numbers so we see these four priorities and we're going to look at them a little bit later this morning and these priorities led to exponential growth so when we're speaking out boldly when we're caring sacrificially for one another when we're worshipping wholeheartedly God is going to be adding to our numbers God is going to be sending souls who trust Christ as their Savior when the church are following these priorities and they glorified God because of it and by following the example of the early church we too can participate in this life transforming work of God's mission today and as David Platt former pastor of the church at Brook Hills in Birmingham urged us to consider he said let us embrace a missional awakening and as we do that let's surrender ourselves completely as a body of believers as individuals to God's mission of reaching the lost as the most important thing in our lives for it's by exalting [10:19] Christ in our lives and by exalting Christ in our communities that people come to know the Lord Jesus Christ and we will truly we will experience the true blessings of God in our lives as we are obedient to him of a driving force behind the early church wasn't a program it was the person of Jesus Christ that's what the driving force was it wasn't a program it wasn't a project that they all threw themselves in and said let's get this done no it was Jesus Christ that was the driving force in the early church it was Jesus Christ the day of Pentecost through the Holy Spirit that began indwelling them and it was fueled by the passion for the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings and the Lion of Judah and it was a church that exalted the Son of Jesus Christ and my prayer this morning is God would awaken our passion for accomplishing [11:23] God's mission for awakening our affections and awaken our affections verse 13 we'll get to verse 13 others mocking said they're full of new wine now we know that that was not the case but we pray that God would awaken our affections so that we would obey God's Holy Spirit so a missional awakening God awaken our affections awaken our passion awaken our fervency so that we begin to obey your Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit came but there were two major changes number one the Spirit would dwell in people from that point forward it wasn't like the Old Testament where the Holy Spirit would come and go the Holy Spirit would indwell someone for a particular purpose for them to accomplish something and then the Holy Spirit would be taken away no His presence now would be permanent and you and I experience that same indwelling of the Holy Spirit when we trusted Christ as our personal [12:32] Savior John excuse me chapter 14 verses 16 and 17 remember when Jesus prayed and He says and I will pray the Father and He will give you another helper that He may abide with you forever the Spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive because neither it neither sees Him nor knows Him but you know Him for He dwells with you and He will be in you so in Acts chapter 2 verses 2 through 3 the Holy Spirit came in verse 5 the Holy Spirit baptized excuse me He baptized the believers into the body of Christ and He placed them there into His body adopting adopting them and the Holy Spirit was that seal of approval that God had accomplished it [13:34] Acts chapter 2 verse number 4 they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak so the Holy Spirit filled the believers the Holy Spirit verses 5 through 13 the Holy Spirit spoke through these believers and allowed everyone around them to hear the good things that God had been doing in their own language in their own tongue so we ask ourselves the question why did God do that why didn't God just indwell the believers and nobody would be any the wiser it would be a personal thing all of a sudden somebody would realize something's different in my life no God made it an event God made it a public event and it was such that everyone around for this great feast would hear in their own language the good things that God was doing Pentecost if you think about it was a temporary reversal of the judgment of the [14:36] Tower of Babel you remember that the Tower of Babel was being created so they could all come together do something that was with a great purpose and people were able to understand one another because there was one language and at the Tower of Babel God scattered everyone by giving them different languages all of a sudden miraculously they began speaking in their own language and everybody was if you've ever played that game where someone makes a sound and you have to go find the person that makes the same sound and that's exactly the way it happened at the Tower of Babel all of a sudden oh wait I understand you come on and then somebody else understood them and so they all gathered together by language groups and each language group then went out and went their own way so that's why we have that's how the earth was populated after the Tower of Babel it was a scheme designed to praise men and make a name for themselves at this time but Pentecost brought praise to God the Tower of [15:49] Babel was an act of rebellion but at Pentecost it was a ministry where people those who believed humbly brought themselves to God what a contrast between the Tower of Babel and Pentecost God confused languages the Tower of Babel because it was a man thing and it was a matter of pride on the day of Pentecost it was a God thing and God brought the languages back together for a moment temporarily so that everyone would hear in their own language and I think another reason why the gift of tongues was given on the day of Pentecost where everyone heard in their own language was to be able to give the message of salvation to the world so that everyone could hear the gospel quickly immediately and without any trouble everything was in their own language so as we look at the book of Acts we're going to be spending quite a bit of time going verse by verse through the book of Acts the book of Acts the emphasis throughout the book is on worldwide evangelism everything starts in Jerusalem they go out to Judea then they go to [17:07] Samaria the gospel goes to Samaria and then from Samaria it goes out ultimately goes to the Gentiles and so the emphasis on the book of Acts is the spread of the gospel the spread of the gospel the worldwide evangelism that we saw in Acts chapter 1 verse 8 under the uttermost part of the earth Henry Martin said this the spirit of Christ is the spirit of missions the spirit of Christ is the spirit of missions the more intensely and the nearer we get to him the closer we get to Jesus he said the more intensely missionary we must become the closer you grow to Jesus the more of an evangelist you become the closer the more we become like Jesus the more of a missionary you become to your neighbors and to your community and those around you so the Holy Spirit we ask that we have a that God would awaken our passions so we would obey the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit enables us to experience [18:19] God's presence do you remember Ezekiel 37 the valley of dry bones where those bones come together and sinews and flesh come upon those bones and they get up and they become alive and in verses 13 and 14 God says I'm going to do the same thing to you my people he said I will breathe life into you through my spirit and God breathes life into us through his Holy Spirit when we trust Christ and he makes us a new creation 2 Corinthians 5 17 what was old our old life is passing away or is gone and so we are becoming new every single day so Holy Spirit allows us to experience God's presence because Jesus left his physical presence left but he said [19:22] I'm going to give you a helper I'm going to give you a comforter I'm going to give you someone that will pray for you that will lift that will translate your prayers up to the throne of grace when you don't even know how to put your prayer into words so we can experience God's presence through his Holy Spirit and then next we have the Holy Spirit here's a here's a news flash we do not want to obey God other than through the empowering of the Holy Spirit because our flesh our old person our sinful fleshly nature wants to please whom wants to please us wants to obey us and so by the God's Holy Spirit being placed within us God's Holy Spirit allows us empowers us enables us to obey God's commands and so when God says I want you to do this the Holy [20:24] Spirit says don't worry I got you the Holy Spirit enables us to obey God's commands the Spirit provides us with wisdom discernment strength to live a life that honors God pleases him and to reflect his love to the world around us also not only that not only obey God's commands but God's Holy Spirit allows us and enables us and empowers us to fulfill God's purpose see God left us on earth for a purpose God God did not leave you on earth to pay taxes now you got to pay them Paul tells us in Romans you know you got you got to do it God put those people in authority that's just the way it is we've got to render under Caesar that which is Caesar's we've got to pray for those who are over us and so we've got to do things God left us here to populate the earth [21:25] God left us here to raise our families to teach them about God bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord those are all things that we are supposed to be doing but God gave us a major purpose sometimes as Christians we tend to think that when we come to church on a regular basis and we live good lives we teach our families we raise our families to love God and we are good people we think we ought to get a reward for it now you business owners when when your employees show up to work on time do you bring out the you pull out the band and you just get hand out trophies because they showed up on time why why not that is just simply what's expected of them their purpose is to do what for not for [22:42] Mark I keep looking at Mark because I know he's a business owner their purpose is to fix vehicles right you guys who work in the plants the guys that work for you they're supposed to do whatever it is that they're supposed to do that's their purpose their purpose is not just to show up you see when we do all of these things we're just showing up God didn't leave us here on earth just to do those things God left us here on earth for one purpose and that is to evangelize the world and everything we do is good because what happens if they don't show up for work there's problems what happens if you don't take care of your family you're going to have problems what happens if you don't teach your children right from wrong if you don't teach your children how to love Jesus if you don't teach your children how to pray what's going to happen your family's going to have problems what happens if we don't fellowship together as believers we're going to have problems what happens if we don't encourage one another what happens if we don't use our spiritual gifts we're going to have problems so we're expected to do these things but why do we do these things we do these things in order that we can be equipped to go out and fulfill [24:04] God's number one mission and that is that all would come to repentance that the world would come to know him as their savior so what happens when the spirit fills the church and when the church is filled with his spirit and is obeying God when the church is fulfilling God's purpose the church stands in awe everybody who was there on the day of Pentecost the day of Pentecost verse one had fully come all were in one accord in one place remember we already saw that they were in the upper room they were praying together then they come out to enjoy the day of Pentecost fully come sound from heaven as a rushing mighty wind filled the whole house there appeared to them divided tongues as a fire one sat upon each of them and they all began to speak with the Holy Spirit filled with the [25:05] Holy Spirit began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance and the church just stood in awe of God's Holy Spirit being poured upon them when the Holy Spirit fills the church believers are struck with wonder at the mighty works of God you know when we see God working in hearts and lives and minds of others around us it's amazing when we hear a testimony a word of praise that someone says I prayed and God did this how does that affect you it's excited and with awe and wonder at the majesty of God the awe inspiring presence of the Holy Spirit draws us closer to God deepens our love and our reverence for Him not only will the church stand in awe when we are fully surrendered to God's Holy Spirit but the world's going to be amazed too the world's going to see that something's happening over there at faith they're moving they're not just meeting together we don't just see a bunch of cars show up and then empty out in an hour hour and a half we see stuff going on man they visited us and they are doing things and they're talking about [26:25] God all the time and they wanted to know how they could pray for us wow stuff's happening over there as the church is filled with the Holy Spirit look at verse number 12 how did the crowd respond when the Holy Spirit filled the church they began talking about the good things God was doing verse 12 they were all amazed everyone who had come together was perplexed how is that we're hearing God being praised in our own language so the world will see the transformation they'll see the love they'll see the power that comes from a Holy Spirit filled life and I believe that by God's working of his Holy Spirit they will be drawn to the message of the gospel because it's God that gives the increase God's the one that moves in the hearts of men and women and boys and girls God is the one that removes the blinders when he is drawing someone to him and then next or secondly [27:34] God awaken our affections so that we surrender to God's worldwide mission what did Jesus tell his people hang around in Jerusalem I'm going to send the Holy Spirit so that you can be my witnesses what happened on the day of Pentecost they became his witnesses what happened every day thereafter the early church continued to be his witnesses what happened every day thereafter because the church filled with the Holy Spirit spoke the word of God to people and share the gospel daily people were added to the church daily such as the Holy Spirit was drawing were being saved so 3,000 people in one day came to know [28:35] Jesus and then thereafter the church grew daily the church grew exponentially because the church filled with the Holy Spirit obeyed the Holy Spirit got on board with God's worldwide mission and they spread out and everyone that went back home who knew Jesus shared the gospel wherever they went we are going through the book of Colossians on Sunday evenings Epaphroditus who came to know the Lord because of the apostle Paul went back to Colossae share the gospel with his family and his friends started a church in Colossae the same in Ephesus the same everywhere else people came to know the Lord they went back home and they share the gospel on a regular basis excited and they surrender to God's worldwide mission Acts 42 so we're going to jump ahead a little bit we're going to look at Acts 42 to 47 again when we get there but very quickly I just want us to look at these purposes that I shared with you a little while ago speaking boldly caring sacrificially worshiping so verse 42 [29:46] Acts chapter 2 and they continue this is the early church they continued steadfastly in the apostles teaching the apostles doctrine fellowshipping with one another breaking of bread and in praying in prayers then because of the early churches surrender to the Holy Spirit their devotion to God and their being part of God's worldwide mission fear came upon every soul and many signs and wonders were done through the apostles verse 44 now all who believed were together had all things in common they sold possessions and goods divided among them as anyone had need now we know elsewhere that they weren't commanded and not everyone sold everything it wasn't a commune in the sense that when you come you just divest yourself of everything you have and you just share wasn't communism [30:46] I think based upon what we see from Ananias and Sapphira they could have kept part of the money when they sold their property the problem was they lied about it because they were filled with pride and they wanted to say oh yeah we're taking part too yeah we sold our property and this is how much we gave but what they did was they sold it for more and they gave just a little bit and they lied so it wasn't communism it wasn't a complete sharing of everything but those who had extra sold what they didn't need and everyone was able to draw from the common pool and so they sold their possessions and goods divided among them all if anyone had a need that's what they had if someone had a bigger need I believe they got a little more I don't think it was such that you know what we're we're getting such percentage I think he says they would divide it as they had need the next verse 46 and continuing daily with one accord in the temple breaking bread from house to house they ate their food with gladness simplicity of heart in verse number 47 they were praising [31:58] God and I want you to look at something else because they were praising God because they were so excited because they were so generous the world took notice and said those guys are doing something pretty good they had favor with all the people and the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved so in Acts 2 42 to 47 we see the priorities of the early church I believe that can serve as a blueprint for our very own lives so let's look at the early church first priority speaking boldly in Acts 2 verse 42 we see what did they do they continued steadfastly in the apostles doctrine the apostles teaching so they were speaking they were preaching boldly about preaching the word of [32:59] God boldly so empowered by the Holy Spirit the apostles spoke the truth they they preach from the word of God without fear without reservation and I think we too need to be courageous in sharing the good news with others so speaking boldly next caring sacrificially we see that as well in verse number 42 and and on breaking of bread prayers verse 45 sold their possessions and goods divided among them all as anyone had needs so the early church cared for one another they weren't just a bunch of little islands who met together and went home if someone had a need they took care of them when you hear of something that's going on in someone else's life do you care enough about them to do something about it might just be calling them up texting them [34:03] I'm praying for you it may it may be just checking in on them how are you doing we have a help fund that's our benevolence fund if anyone here has a need and I will say this and I think our leaders are going to to amen to it don't allow yourself to get into a bind and have your family go without when the body of Christ is here to take care of that need amen now I know that because of our own pride we don't like necessarily to be helped by others because it's almost saying like I can't take care of myself can be nothing farther from the truth sometimes medical things happen and we all know how expensive those things can be sometimes an unexpected bill comes in sometimes you know most of us now some of us have some savings but most of us you know it it's okay to maybe to replace a tire here and there but if your whole air conditioning system goes out in your home we're talking thousands of dollars mark how much does an engine cost to replace eight thousand dollars or more if your engine goes out out of warranty how many of us have just eight thousand dollars lying around to replace an engine all [35:47] I'm saying is we the body of Christ are here to serve one another we're here to care another don't go without we're here we're here for you and I know it sounds like a trite saying but it blesses us more I believe to be able to help someone than maybe even the one being helped now for those who love to give those who maybe have the gift of giving it really it is true it's a blessing to be able to help someone else the early church cared sacrificially so we must be willing to sacrifice for the well-being of our brothers and sisters in Christ and then next we see the early church were worshipping wholeheartedly in Acts chapter 2 verse 42 they continued steadfastly the apostles doctrine fellowship breaking of bread prayers they verse 46 they were in one accord in the temple they were still meeting there in the outer cord of the temple as the early church they didn't have a building yet at that time and so they were worshipping together wholeheartedly they gathered to worship together regularly book of hebrews don't forsake the assembling of yourselves together as a manner of some is he says because things are getting worse so come together they also gather together regularly [37:20] Acts 2 42 breaking of bread this is possibly an allusion to the Lord's supper that they celebrated together and so they worshipped God together when they partook of the Lord's supper so we should also remember to come together and worship our Savior with all of our hearts remembering his sacrifice for us and then the next as we're doing these things God will multiply God is going to bring the increase daily people were being saved God he was providing for them daily those who were being saved God was providing as the Holy Spirit was working through the early church their numbers grew daily so as we allow the Holy Spirit to work in our lives God is going to give the increase we're going to see people come to know Jesus and he will draw others to himself through us [38:21] God promises to bless the church verse 42 I believe God promises to bless the church that works and follows his will praising God having favor with all the people and the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved they weren't being saved because the church was drawing a crowd you know they weren't giving pony rides they didn't have bounce houses those aren't wrong I'm just saying they weren't using methods to get people just to come to church to come to the temple no they were living out their lives they were sharing Jesus as they went to the market they were sharing Jesus as they went to work and daily God was bringing people into into the body those who were being saved the Lord was adding to their numbers we got to remember it's God that brings the increase not just because we talk a good talk not because we are eloquent or we can share the gospel really really well we can just be as simple as you know [39:31] God loves you and Jesus died for you that's the gospel Jesus rose from the dead to prove that God was satisfied so as we come to a close Acts chapter 1 first part of Acts chapter 2 I believe it's clear the spirit wants this place and he wants the world for Jesus he wants the world to come to know Christ as their savior the spirit's passion is to exalt God and to exalt Christ in the world that's what we do with our lives by living a holy life by being vocal with our faith God's exalted and that's what God wants because God wants Jesus exalted so the question for us as faith family is whether or not we will wholeheartedly join God in this worldwide mission awaken our passions so that we can join together in God's worldwide mission will we surrender our lives to the spirits leading devote ourselves to [40:36] God's worldwide mission of reaching people with the gospel let's answer that call and let's be a part of what God is wanting to do in our world today we were having prayer Saturday morning we were talking about you know there are a lot of ills in this world today but it's easy for us to focus on the negative things that are going on the real problem is not a political party the real problem is not the wickedness in the world today the real problem is people don't know Jesus as their savior it's a sin problem it's a problem that people that don't know God are going to do what people do that don't know God it comes naturally and so it's our job to share with them the good news that Jesus died for them it's our job to share with the world the antidote to spiritual death it's the awakening enlivening power of the Holy [41:46] Spirit as they trust Jesus as their savior so this morning I trust that you're not trusting in yourself your good works I trust that you're not trusting in your church attendance I trust that you're not trusting in anything other than Jesus alone and what he did on the cross of Calvary because on the cross of Calvary him who knew no sin the Bible says became sin for us all of our sin was placed upon Jesus Christ and for some three hours God turned his back on his very own son because he could not look upon our sin your sin my sin and when Jesus had fully completely paid for your sin and mine satisfied the wrath of God towards sin paid that substitutionary death the death that you and I should be experiencing when [42:48] Jesus Christ breathed before he breathed his last breath he said it is finished what was finished the payment for sin then he breathed his last breath he was buried third day he rose again God raised Jesus from the dead to prove that he was satisfied with the payment that is what you and I trust in for salvation the gospel God loves us Jesus died on the cross for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth trust place your full weight upon whoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life let's pray heavenly father as we come to the close of of this message this morning we stand in awe we stand in awe of your power your presence and your purpose for our lives today we thank you for the gift of your holy spirit that you have given to us who ignites our hearts and ignites our wills to obey you father you want to use us as use us as your instruments in this world today [44:04] I ask lord that you would awaken our affections for you that we would obey your spirit and would surrender completely and wholeheartedly to your worldwide mission father help us to prioritize a missional focus above all that we do help us lord to remember the example of the early church as they spoke boldly the gospel as they cared sacrificially for one another as they worshipped wholeheartedly you bless them by adding daily to their number those who would be saved so father as we leave this place this morning may our hearts be filled with a renewed passion for you for your kingdom lord may our lives be transformed by your holy spirit give us the courage to speak boldly the compassion to care sacrificially the devotion father to worship wholeheartedly and the faith to share in the mission to multiply exponentially as the holy spirit works in each heart and each mind and as we share your love to those around us father i ask this morning that you would unite us in this purpose in this mission and guide us as we work together to exalt jesus in this faith family in our lives and as the world would see the world would stand in awe and they would see that you are doing something great and we wouldn't get the glory but you would get the glory for it father may your spirit continually fill us continually renew us enabling us to be your hands and your feet in the world around us father we ask these things in the mighty the wonderful name of our lord and our savior jesus christ amen amen as our worship team comes this morning we ask if our ushers would come this morning would receive our offering we live by faith as we give sacrificially by giving sacrificially that's how we're able to use the resources to accomplish god's mission we have a quite a few things that we we are planning matter of fact i i want i want us to be transparent so i probably i'm thinking once a quarter or so we're going to let everyone know what we're doing what's what's happening the decisions that are being made we don't want things to be we want things to be let you know what's what's going on because when we know that something good's coming we can get excited about it amen amen so we have a lot of things going as a matter of fact i had a lot of announcements this morning remember tonight the those of you who would like to go and fellowship those of you may have gone to camp pearl as as a teenager or as a young child or maybe as an early adult they're probably going to be people you haven't seen in a long time fellowship with them like i said i do have three tickets left if you'd like to to grab those before you before we leave today anybody else word of praise we're going to be moving to the fellowship room to enjoy a meal anyone all right before we sing i just jump to the last your hour our good our lively song yeah okay so i'll tell you what i'll ask um well mark would you pray for us would you thank god for the meal uh we'll have that taken care of and do we have any special way that we we recommend people going through i know it might help if we go through this door here and then line up down the hallway for the food uh if you didn't come with food prepared don't worry we have extra we love for you to be be here with us all right brother father we love you father we thank you for this time that we can join i'm getting and you we have been awesome you having three сем uh i for for there'm for